Application period for 2025 is now closed!

Cape Cod Community College Educational Foundation

We award more than $200,000 in scholarships every year.
The application process is simple and every student should apply!
Scholarships are awarded for a variety of factors: where you live, what you study, how involved you are on campus/in your communuity, GPA, financial need. There are 150 different scholarships & everyone fits the criteria for at least 5-10 of them!

Scholarship Application Period: February 14 – March 7, 2025

Every applicant MUST answer these three brief questions. Responses must be between 100-500 words. If you need help, please contact the Reading and Writing Resource Center.

1. What are your educational goals?
2. What are your career goals?
3. How will a scholarship help you achieve your goals?
This may include having to overcome a hardship, challenge, or disability in pursuit of your education.

Other scholarships require additional information which may include:

• Your CCCC transcript. All commencement and nursing scholarships require this document. (It can be found on the Campus web system.)
• Some details from a filed FAFSA form
• One to three recommendations. If they are not submitted by the deadline, your application will NOT be submitted for consideration.
• An additional essay
• Additional questions

Choose ONE of the three categories of scholarships below:

Once you determine the category that describes you, click on APPLY. You will then answer some qualifying questions. Based on your answers you will be shown a list of scholarships for which you are eligible.

Next Step:

You will complete a more detailed common application and answer questions for specific scholarships. You must click submit for each scholarship you apply for.


Are you? — A new student to CCCC in the fall

Or? — Currently taking classes at CCCC

And? — Will be taking classes at CCCC next fall


Are you? — Graduating with a degree

Or? — Have completed a certificate course

Or? —Transferring credits

And? — Will be taking classes at another college or university in the fall


New or returning students

Enrolled in vocational classes

Taking classes in the Project Forward program at CCCC next fall