Cape Cod Community College Educational Foundation Scholarships
Thank you to all of the individuals and organizations who continue to support the students of Cape Cod Community College through their support and funding of these scholarship opportunities.

Accenture Scholarship: awarded to four students
Academy for Lifelong Learning Founders Memorial Scholarship
Cape Cod Community College Alumni Association Scholarship
Ann M. Williams Memorial Scholarship
Mary Baird RN Nursing Scholarship
Bertie Banas Memorial Scholarship: awarded to two students
Bayberry Quilters of Cape Cod Scholarship
The Molly Bish Memorial Scholarship

Commencement Scholarships
Academy for Lifelong Learning Link to the Future Scholarship
William S. and Elizabeth G Beinecke Scholarship
Peter F. Birkel, Jr. Adult Learner Award
Peter F. Birkel, Jr. “Learning Never Ends” Award
Cape Cod Antique Dealers Association Scholarship
Louise DeSantis Deutsch Scholarship
The Stephen Newhall Carter Scholarship
Cape Cod Community College Educational Foundation, Commencement Scholarship
Non-Commencement Scholarships
Ruth B. Burrough Scholarship
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Scholarship: awarded to five students
The Vincent Catania Memorial Scholarship
Cape Cod Community College Educational Foundation, Non-Commencement Scholarship
Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary – Education Scholarship: awarded to four students
Captain Joshua Gray-Jonathan Hatch Chapter, DAR Scholarship
Peter Dee Memorial Scholarship
Anne and Henry DiPrete Scholarship

Commencement Scholarships
Kathryn & Margaret L. Cotter Memorial Scholarship
George T. Curley, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
The Cape Cod Community College Economics Club, Commencement Scholarship
Laura L. Flanders Memorial Scholarship: awarded to two students
The Phyllis J. Fleming Scholarship
Dr. Helen W. Goolishan Scholarship
James F. Hall Scholarship
Paula Hibbett Memorial Scholarship
Non-Commencement Scholarships
Dennis-Yarmouth Women’s Club Scholarship
The Cape Cod Community College Economics Club, Non-Commencement Scholarship
Employee Family Sponsored Scholarship
Laura L. Flanders Memorial Scholarship
John T. Forcellese Memorial Scholarship: awarded to five students
Heather T. Foster Memorial Scholarship: awarded to two students
Natalie S. Gardner and Eastham Council on Ageing Scholarship
W, John Grinnell/Kiwanis Scholarship

Commencement Scholarships
Cape Cod Community College Honors Program, Commencement Scholarship: awarded to two students
Thomas W. Joy Scholarship
Kelly-Shea Scholarship
Richard A. Kraus Scholarship
Todd Landwehr Scholarship: awarded to two students
Earnest LeBlanc memorial Endowed Scholarship: awarded to two students
Thomas H. and Barabra Lee Endowed Scholarship
Jean and John Manoog Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Non-Commencement Scholarships
Bernard D. & Grace S. Grossman Scholarship: awarded to two students
Charlotte M. Hamill Scholarship
Grace A., Harold L., and Jane C. Hardy Scholarship
Harwich Scholarship
Heatherwood Staff Scholarship
M. Nicole Hill Scholarship
Cape Cod Community College Honors Program, non-Commencement Scholarship: awarded to two students
Robin Arciprete Horton Memorial Scholarship

Commencement Scholarships
Light, Liberty & Learning Endowed Scholarship: awarded to two students
Dagny and Frank Miller Public Service Scholarship
Marjorie M. Mullin Scholarship for Excellence in Nursing
E. Carleton Nickerson 4.0 Scholarship Award
E. Carleton Nickerson Scholarship
Judge W. James O’Neill Scholarship: awarded to two students
Phi Theta Kappa Enhanced Member Scholarship
Val and Dick Rand Scholarship
Non-Commencement Scholarships
Caroline Grace Horvath Scholarship: awarded to two students
Marion Jordan Scholarship
Kathleen Schatzberg Appreciation Scholarship: awarded to four students
Marjorie Lambton Memorial Scholarship
Todd Landwehr Scholarship: awarded to two students
Lawrence-Lynch Corporation Scholarship
Lawrence-Lynch Corporation Scholarship for STEM Studies: awarded to two students
Christopher Lovelock Memorial Scholarship

Commencement Scholarships
Charles and Sandra Robinson Scholarship
Aletta S. Rot Scholarship
The Scott Award in Environmental Studies
Cape Cod Community College Student Senate, Commencement Scholarship: awarded to two students
Barnstable Shellfish Scholarship
Richard “Twig” Souther Progress Award
Nicholas St. John Memorial Scholarship
Dorothea Waddell Tonnesen Music Scholarship
Non-Commencement Scholarships
Arline Maloney Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Lee Mannillo Memorial Scholarship
Jean and John Manoog, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Edith E. Mclane Nursing Scholarship
Rosa Moncholi, MD Scholarship
Mr. K Scholarship
Marthas Vineyard Student’s Fund Scholarship
On Their Way Scholarship: awarded to two students
Orenda Wildlife Land Trust Scholarship
Dean Roseanna Pena-Warfield & Gregory Warfield Scholarship
Elaine S. Perry Memorial Scholarship
Phi Theta Kappa Enhanced Member, Non-Commencement Scholarship: awarded to two students
Polhemus Savery DaSilva Scholarship
Project Forward Scholarship: awarded to three students
Massachusetts Regents Scholarship: awarded to two students
Elena Marie Rice Scholarship
Maggie Hicks Ritter Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Bob Smith Rotaract Scholarship
Scarbrough Scholarship
Drs. Laura Seabury & Debra Poletto Scholarship: awarded to two students
Cape Cod Community College Student Senate Scholarship for Non-Commencement: awarded to two students
Computers for Seniors Scholarship
Evelyn Shapiro Memorial Scholarship
The Silver Anniversary Scholarship
Harland Perry Sisk Memorial Scholarship
Deborah A. Skinner Memorial Scholarship

SKIP Scholarship
STEM Scholarship: awarded to two students
Richard J. Sullivan Scholarship
Tichenor Scholarship
Trustee Diversity Scholarship
The William L. Udall Starter Scholarship
Karyn Van Kirk Memorial Scholarship
John D. Warner Scholarship
The Weezie Foundation Endowed Scholarship: awarded to two students
David J. Welch Memorial Scholarship: awarded to four students
Wellfleet Thrift Shop Scholarship
Dr. Harvey A. Whipple Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Wilkens Family Trust Scholarship: awarded to ten students
David B. Willard Scholarship
Scott Williams Scholarship
Ying Gean and Sui King Yee Scholarship
Yee Family Scholarship
Zavod/Fox Family Scholarship
George Zografos Dunkin’ Donuts Scholarship
Chelsea L. Joslin Students in Recovery Award