Shawn DeLude attended the College for three semesters, while working in the trash disposal industry. He felt the larger corporations provided inadequate customer service and didn’t have a commitment to local communities. He decided to fill that void by founding Nauset Disposal in 2000.

Nauset Disposal grew to become one of the largest private waste haulers in Southeast MA, servicing thousands of customers with locations in Orleans and Plymouth. In 2022, Shawn sold Nauset Disposal to Waste Connections and retired from the waste hauling industry.

Not one to sit around, this year Shawn founded DeLude Communications, a marketing and communications firm based in Orleans. The company provides marketing and business solutions for small to medium sized organizations on Cape Cod.

Shawn is known to be very generous and dedicated to the local community. He has been recognized with the American Red Cross of the Cape and Islands Community Impact Award (in 2015), SCORE of the Cape and Islands Small Business Champion (in 2017), the Cape and Islands United Way Visionary Award (in 2021). Shawn is the co-chair of the Big 3 Fishing Tournament benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cape and Islands, and he has served on many boards for local organizations including the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, the Cape Cod Young Professionals, the Cape and Islands United Way, and the Center for Coastal Studies

The College community is very proud of the accomplishments and contributions of Shawn DeLude and honored him as the 2023 Alumnus of the Year.